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Pipe cleaning tools: types and differences

Articles 2 September 2019

Pipe cleaning using special tools is the simplest and cheapest method that allows for the fast and effective removal of the major part of contamination. There are manual and electric pipe cleaning tools. The manual tools are very easy to use, but require great physical efforts from a worker. It is much easier to clean the pipes using electric tools, but they are much more expensive.

The manual tools are as follows:

  • metal wire cables (up to 30 m long), incorporating a core of two wires with high-strength steel wire layers wound around it (small diameter pipes may be cleaned using such wire cables);
  • rotators, incorporating a wire up to 60 m long and a handle for its rotation (the handle allows to screw the wire into the pipe and remove blockages in pipe elbows or bends. This tool is suitable for cleaning pipes with a small cross-section);
  • metal tape up to 30 m long with a handle and a head (this flexible tool easily enters the pipes thanks to the handle, and its effectiveness depends on the head).

Electrical pipe cleaning devices are driven by engines and have a more complex design compared to the manual tools. The cleaning wire in such devices is wound on a special shaft connected to a mechanism controlling its rotation. These devices are suitable to clean the pipes with different diameters.

When cleaning the pipes, hydrodynamic machines direct high-pressure water flow into them, that allows to remove deposits in the pipes without damaging them. Such machines help to remove even strong blockages. The hydrodynamic pipe cleaning machines can be used together with chemicals intended to remove deposits.

Various tools are used to remove different kinds of blockages. Therefore, it is necessary to determine what kind of contamination is in the pipes prior to cleaning them. In addition, the pipe diameter shall be considered when selecting the cleaning devices. Small diameter pipes can be cleaned with the manual tools. The electrical devices and hydrodynamic machines are recommended to be used to clean large diameter pipes.